This is not typically the sort of book I blog about, but honestly, it BLEW MY MIND. In this fantastic and innovative book, Barbara Edie explains the remedy for success in not only business, but life. The powerful examples and inspirational quotes give simple but meaningful steps on how to step out from your barriers and share your talent with the world!
This thought-provoking, life-changing bestseller is one of a kind, and is wonderful and captivating from the very first page. It gives examples of individuals who achieved their dream and that all it takes is grit, passion and courage to step out into the sunshine and believe in yourself. This book should be not only for adults, but for children as well. From here children can acknowledge and react to their dream. If this is put to a side, children may not realise their full potential at all, meaning they have lived a life that they didn’t even enjoy living.
This book is simple but powerful, and must be read.