Book Review- Insurgent

InsurgentOne choice can destroy you

The second book in the Divergent series, Insurgent is written with honesty and passion as the world of the factions slowly falls apart.

Our protagonist Tris (formerly Beatrice) can only watch as the world she once accepted now lies in ruins around her. The end of her initiation to Dauntless was supposed to be a celebration but ended in utter chaos. With silent wars raging between the shattered factions, Tris must decide where she stands in the middle of it all.

Is it just me, or do you think Veronica Roth should have kept Fernando alive?! He was such an awesome character and I think he may have developed some romance with Christina if he had stayed alive. #FightforFernando

Also, who enjoyed the part with Tris’ peace serum? I died of laughter.

Thanks for reading and look out for the review of the last                                                                                  book in this brilliant trilogy!

Book Review- Divergent

DivergentOne choice can transform you

This book (and the other books in the trilogy- reviews to come!) is my favourite book of ALL TIME. That’s pretty impressive, seeing as I, obviously, have read a LOT of books.

This fast-paced, symbolic book is about Beatrice Prior, who turns away from her family and her birth faction and choosing a new one on her sixteenth birthday. As she struggles to adjust to her new life, she unveils a shocking secret about her identity. But who can she trust on this dangerous path that she has carved for herself, and who is her enemy?

This book is literally too good for words. I was entranced by                                                                          every word and am about to read it for the fourth time.