Book Review- We Come Apart

we come apartWe Come ApartĀ is a sensational thriller about differences, pain, love.

I think this book is really different to normal teen books; it’s got a vibe to it that’s entirely unique and I was totally enthralled by the plot Sarah Crossan and Brian Conaghan wove.

Jess has been swept into the wrong crowd. After her home life is left in tatters around her, it seems like her only option to fit in. But then she meets Nicu, and all that changes. She suddenly sees a different life, a kinder one, and with Nicu, she could make it happen.

But how far would they go to stay together?

This book contains a very important message about the treatment of refugees and I think people need to read more books like this to understand life from a different point of view.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes originality in a book.


Book Review- Apple and Rain

Apple and RainApple and RainĀ is a beautiful and moving book. It highlights many struggles children face as they grow up and really hit home about the struggles of being a young girl in Britain and all the experiences, both good and bad, that you gain.

When Apple’s mum finally returns after eleven years, Apple feels complete. She has someone to talk to now about boys and bra sizes that she couldn’t have done before.

But her elation quickly plummets with a realisation that maybe her mum wasn’t the heroine she had depicted in her dreams…